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Ragpi uses the following environment variables to configure its behavior. These settings control everything from API access and provider configurations to database connections and document processing.

Application Configuration

PROJECT_NAMEName of the projectthe current projectUsed to scope and focus the AI assistant's responses
PROJECT_DESCRIPTIONDescription of the projectdetermined by the available sourcesDefines the project's scope for the AI assistant
RAGPI_VERSIONAPI version of Ragpiv0.2.xUsed in the OpenAPI spec and in to specify the Ragpi image version
API_NAMEName of the API serviceRagpiUsed in the OpenAPI spec
API_SUMMARYSummary of the API serviceRagpi is an AI assistant specialized in retrieving and synthesizing technical information to provide relevant answers to queries.Used in the OpenAPI spec
API_KEYSList of API keys for access (comma-separated)NoneIf not set, the API will be accessible without authentication. To enable API key authentication, set this to a comma-separated list of self-generated API keys (e.g., key1,key2,key3).
WORKERS_ENABLEDEnable/disable background workersTrueWhen disabled, endpoints requiring Celery workers will return a 503
TASK_RETENTION_DAYSNumber of days to retain task history7-
USER_AGENTUser agent string for HTTP requestsRagpi-
MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTSMaximum number of concurrent requests10-

Provider Configuration

CHAT_PROVIDERChat service provider. Options: openai, ollamaopenai-
EMBEDDING_PROVIDEREmbedding service provider. Options: openai, ollamaopenai-
OPENAI_API_KEYAPI key for OpenAI servicesNoneRequired if using OpenAI as provider
OLLAMA_BASE_URLBase URL for Ollama providerNoneRequired if using Ollama as provider
DEEPSEEK_API_KEYAPI key for DeepSeek servicesNoneOptional
CHAT_OPENAI_COMPATIBLE_BASE_URLBase URL for OpenAI-compatible chat modelsNoneOptional
CHAT_OPENAI_COMPATIBLE_API_KEYAPI key for OpenAI-compatible chat modelsNoneOptional
EMBEDDING_OPENAI_COMPATIBLE_BASE_URLBase URL for OpenAI-compatible embedding modelsNoneOptional
EMBEDDING_OPENAI_COMPATIBLE_API_KEYAPI key for OpenAI-compatible embedding modelsNoneOptional

Database Configuration

REDIS_URLRedis connection URLredis://localhost:6379Required
POSTGRES_URLPostgreSQL database URLpostgresql://localhost:5432/ragpiRequired if using postgres backend
DOCUMENT_STORE_BACKENDDocument store backend (postgres, redis)postgres-
DOCUMENT_STORE_NAMESPACENamespace for document storagedocument_storeWhen using postgres, this is the table name; when using redis, it is the key prefix.
SOURCE_METADATA_BACKENDMetadata storage backend (postgres, redis)postgres-
SOURCE_METADATA_NAMESPACENamespace for metadata storagesource_metadataWhen using postgres, this is the table name; when using redis, it is the key prefix.

Chat Settings

BASE_SYSTEM_PROMPTDefault system prompt for the AI assistantSee below
CHAT_HISTORY_LIMITMaximum number of messages retained in the chat history and sent to the model.20
MAX_CHAT_ITERATIONSMaximum steps allowed for generating a response5
RETRIEVAL_TOP_KNumber of top retrieval results10

Model Settings

DEFAULT_CHAT_MODELDefault model for chat interactionsgpt-4oOnly models that support tool/function callings are supported.
EMBEDDING_MODELModel used for embeddingstext-embedding-3-small-
EMBEDDING_DIMENSIONSDimensions for embedding vectors1536Must match dimensions of selected embedding model

Document Processing

DOCUMENT_UUID_NAMESPACEUUID namespace for document IDsee747eb2-fd0f-4650-9785-a2e9ae036ff2
CHUNK_SIZESize of document chunks for processing (in tokens)512
CHUNK_OVERLAPOverlap size between document chunks (in tokens)50
DOCUMENT_SYNC_BATCH_SIZENumber of documents processed per batch during sync500


GITHUB_TOKENGitHub token for accessing repositoriesNone
GITHUB_API_VERSIONGitHub API version2022-11-28

Discord Configuration

DISCORD_TOKENThe discord bot token for authenticating with DiscordNoneRequired
DISCORD_CHANNEL_IDSComma-separated list of Discord channel IDs to listen onNoneRequired
RAGPI_BASE_URLBase URL for Ragpi. All chat requests will be sent to this endpointNoneRequired
RAGPI_API_KEYAPI key for authenticating with Ragpi endpointsNoneIf provided, sets the x-api-key header on requests to Ragpi.
DISCORD_SOURCESComma-separated list of sources to pass to Ragpi for context retrievalNoneIf not set, will use all sources.
DISCORD_CHAT_MODELName of the chat model to useNoneIf not set, Ragpi's default model will be used.
DISCORD_REQUIRE_MENTIONWhether the bot requires a direct mention to respondtrueAccepts true, True, or TRUE for enabled; anything else is treated as disabled.

OpenTelemetry Settings

OTEL_ENABLEDEnable/disable OpenTelemetryFalse-
OTEL_SERVICE_NAMEService name for OpenTelemetryragpi-
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINTOpenTelemetry collector endpointNoneRequired when OpenTelemetry is enabled

When enabled, Ragpi provides basic tracing capabilities through OpenTelemetry instrumentation using the http/protobuf protocol. This includes automatic tracing of FastAPI endpoints and LLM API calls, with spans exported to the endpoint specified in OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT.

Default System Prompt

The default value for BASE_SYSTEM_PROMPT is:

You are an AI assistant specialized in retrieving and synthesizing technical information to provide relevant answers to queries.